Top 3 books that challenge your thinking and help you shift gears
Written by Jesse Reason on Mar. 11th 2021
Have you reached the realization that you need to shake things up? Sick of seeing the ads or stories where 21-year-old kids are making 6 figures by putting a spin on a current trend? 

I often looked at stories like that and called bullshit or attributed their success to luck and being in the right place at the right time.

Well, at least until I changed the way I thought…

It’s very easy to fall into a routine and the social structure that is embedded into you at a young age. School, university, job, marriage, and possibly even kids. This is the default mechanism that most of us are raised with.

If you’re the sort of person that works in an office, surrounded by the sound of people typing away, gentle conversation in the cubicle two down from yours, while trying to stay focussed on the task at hand and something feels like it’s missing, then maybe it’s time to change the way you operate.

Challenge your idea of rich and successful

When I say rich and successful, what’s the image that comes to mind. Large houses with gardens as far as the eye can see? Cars faster than you’re comfortable driving? Perhaps, jet-setting around the world and living in a different country every month?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, most of it seems unachievable for the average person, hence why we label it a “ rich person lifestyle”.

Tim Ferris is a self-development trailblazer, author, and lifestyle guru that challenges your predetermined thoughts and beliefs about living this lifestyle in his book The 4-hour Work Week.

Bar holding a special place in my heart, this book is brilliant and the first that I would recommend.

Tim Ferris deconstructs how people look at lifestyle and breaks it down into easily digestible steps and strategies so that you don’t need to make a fortune to live like a king.

A combination of out-of-the-box thinking and good use of resources, which only become more common as time goes on, is the premise of how you keep your job but still escape the 9-5 job structure.

Not only does the advice hold well with time but the way the book is written allows the information to sink in with ease. There is no fancy jargon or complex concepts, just a man who rotates problems until he finds a solution that is optimal for him.

By the time you’re done, you’ll feel a sense of liberation that rarely comes to most of us. You’ll have options and, if you’re courageous enough, the lifestyle that you want.

Challenge your mindset

It can be easy to get tunnel-vision with ideas and views and continue along that path for years without realizing the effect it has on your relationships and personal success.

In extreme situations, your life is being lived and you are at the mercy of a victim mindset where it seems like you only experience bad luck and things never seem to go your way.

Carol Dweck’s Mindset: The New Psychology of Success has the same effect as jumping into a bath of ice and water. It wakes you up to the reality of how your mindset significantly contributes towards your relationships with others, success, and overall happiness.

She focuses on two modes of mindset. Fixed and growth. Fixed mindsets - those who believed their abilities are fixed and can’t be changed and growth mindsets - those who believe their abilities can be changed and iterated.

The concepts are simple but the blinding parallels will make you go internal to see which aspects of your life are fixed and which you allow flourishing in a growth mindset.

Much of what we achieve is a combination of mindset and intention. When we are fixed, we look outwardly to why we can’t achieve what we want. We have very little control over our lives when this is the case and become reactionary and expect events or others to change to get what we want.

The fixed mindset blames, lashes out, is disempowered, and lacks the ability to take greater responsibility for life.

The growth mindset isn’t shackled to thinking it was built one way and are destined to live that way for the rest of its life. It welcomes responsibility and uses it to empower and provide opportunities for growth and development. Achievements are often loftier and experiences lead to greater fulfilment in daily life.

Challenge your automatic habits

It is easy to run on autopilot. Our mind works like this to make tasks done in repetition, second nature. Walking, drinking, eating, breathing and many other basic tasks are completed without us having to put much or any thought in at all.

Thought autopilot is one that we need to wary of though. Habits are the most common kind of thought autopilot but a lot of habits are created without us even realizing or intending to create them.

Every time there is a trigger, action, and reward a habit is created.

Maxwell Maltz’s book, Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life addresses this head-on.
This book is systematically designed to help you realize the habits that aren’t serving you, perform emotional surgery on yourself and optimize the way you operate.

Psycho-Cybernetics uses a combination of practical exercises and clever examples to highlight the parallels in your life so you can recognize your autopilot actions.

To transport our lives into success and greater happiness we need to eliminate the repeat daily behaviour that doesn’t help us. Or as Brian Tracy puts it “successful people are simply those with successful habits”.

A combination of mindset work, introspection, identification of habits, innovative ways to think and rotate problems allow you to operate in an optimized life. A life where you have the power and the ability to shape the dream lifestyle you want without making compensations.

Jesse Reason

Jesse Reason helps men gain control over their lives. He is an expert at helping men build strong self-esteem, confidence, competency in their social and romantic lives, and rediscover who they are as a man. If you're interested in achieving the lifestyle of your dreams and reclaiming your manhood to pursue a life that is fulfilling and meaningful then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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